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  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly's book review was featured in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods.
    I decided to read this book... Because I was really bored. You'd expect me to already have read the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus to want to read that book. Nope. I was bored. I was planning on skimming through the whole book, and when I found an interesting looking chapter, but I ended up reading the whole thing. In this book, join Percy on a tour through the history of the Greek Gods, Titans, and some demigods and humans. Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Persephone, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and Hermes. Each of them have a really great or really bad personality, and it'll probably lead you to reading more Greek mythology, which will lead you to reading about Egyptian or Roman or Persian r whatever mythology, which'll probably lead you to getting a mythology encyclopedia. But I recommend this to... everyone, and I rate this a good 4 out of 5 stars
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly added a book review.
    This is a really good book! In Crenshaw, 5th grade Jackson reunites with his old imaginary friend, Crenshaw, a huge kitten with big green eyes and a like for purple jellybeans, just like Jackson, who first met Jackson when he finished 1st grade. Now, a 5th grader, Crenshaw is spotted surfing on the beach, holding up an umbrella. That's really not the point of surfing. Later, When Jackson sees Crenshaw taking a bath, he's like- What are you doing here? This is what Jackson learns from Crenshaw: Imaginary friends are always with their real friends, They're just waiting for the right time to come back, assuming there is. It's like they're just sitting on a couch, waiting for the phone to ring. It rang. (That was kind of a metaphor, I don't know. Plus, I'm not even up to that part yet. I skipped.)
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly added a book review.
    I decided to read this book... Because I was really bored. You'd expect me to already have read the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus to want to read that book. Nope. I was bored. I was planning on skimming through the whole book, and when I found an interesting looking chapter, but I ended up reading the whole thing. In this book, join Percy on a tour through the history of the Greek Gods, Titans, and some demigods and humans. Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Persephone, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and Hermes. Each of them have a really great or really bad personality, and it'll probably lead you to reading more Greek mythology, which will lead you to reading about Egyptian or Roman or Persian r whatever mythology, which'll probably lead you to getting a mythology encyclopedia. But I recommend this to... everyone, and I rate this a good 4 out of 5 stars
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly has read this book.
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly is reading this book.
    By Katherine Applegate
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly added a book review.
    This was a really good book! I decided to read this, because this is narrated by Percy Jackson, (Or Rick Riordan ) and he has a really good sense of humor. He's not annoying funny, and he's sarcastic, but not mean sarcastic. Plus, I read all the Percy Jackson books, and I also read Greek Gods. So in this book, it's not exactly a narrative, it's not a story. It's more of a guide. I don't even know what I just wrote. So in this book, Percy Jackson comes back to tell us about 12 of the most brave and strong Greek heroes, such as Cyrene, Otrera, Perseus, Psyche, Jason, and Heracles. I actually just listed my favorite heroes right there. This book answers so many questions, such as, who cut off Medusa's head? Who was raised by a she- bear? Who tamed Pegasus, and so many more! Sometimes, it actually seems like Percy's reading your mind. I know that, but I can't remember what he said when he did it, and I'm not going back to the book just to read it all over again. I'm not sure if it'll teach you anything, but it's definitely a good read, which you can read over and over again. I rate this a 5 out of 5, and I recommend it to kids and tweens ( or teens ) ( Maybe adults? ) who like mythology, a bit of Geography, and funny... stuff!
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly added a book review.
    Some kids can be scaredy- cats! No offense to cats, though. I just read this book, Unexplained, by Judy Allen. It's an encyclopedia of paranormal things and creatures, such as ghosts, monsters, and visions of the future, no- unexplained stuff. Judy Allen is a good writer. But- this is not my favorite book, maybe 10th or 56th place? I don't know. I've read a lot of books, but just like the average kid. I just can't choose well! I decided to read this, because I'm really into stuff like this, but here's one thing- I'm not gonna become one of those cryptozoologists. Sure, I think I believe that these stuff do exist, well, at least something like, 80 percent? But that doesn't matter! As soon as I saw this, I flipped through the book, and borrowed it from the library. I returned it. After a year, I was in the mood for something like this, so I ordered it on Amazon! That doesn't matter either, though. Want a few facts? Well, here's a small list: Dizzyjelly's list o' "weird stuff." #1 Phantom Hitchhikers: people who hitchhike, get picked up, and disappear. Sometimes the people matching that description are people who died years earlier! #2 6th Sense: 6th sense is a weird phenomena when someone gets information without using any of the other 5 senses. #3 Deja Vu: Everybody gets it! I get it like, 10x a day! It's not like watching a movie and realizing you've seen it before. It a lot weirder. A whole lot weirder. I don't know how to explain it, though. Sometimes, I get the same Deja Vu like, 3 times! It's weird. But that's the whole point, right? I rate this 3 out of 5 stars, like I said, it's not my favorite. But I recommend this to anybody, except for skeptics. Have a good day! Have a good day! Have a good day! Have a good day! Have a good day! No, that's not Deja Vu, of course.
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjelly has read this book.
    Over 5 years ago
  • dizzyjelly
    dizzyjellyis now following eunjin.
    Over 5 years ago

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