starbucks_girl's Activity (2309)

  • callie_b
    callie_b has read this book.
    By Gutman, Dan
    Over 3 years ago
  • callie_b
    callie_b's book review was featured in The Ickabog.
    The story of the Ickabog shows just how quickly a little lie can turn into a never-ending deception. In Cornucopia, each part of the kingdom is known for having a specialty food that they are the best at making, like cheeses or pastries. Best friends Daisy and Bert have heard the rumors and legend of the Ickabog, a massive monster that eats people, but they always knew they were just stories... or were they? When a shepherd from the Marshlands, a far out and rural part of the kingdom, says the Ickabog ate his dog, ruler King Fred the Fearless doesn't believe him at first. Fred thinks going to investigate the Ickabog would be the perfect opportunity to prove that he could be a good king with no risk after people had begun to call him selfish, vain, and cruel, since the Ickabog was only a myth... right? His advisors Spittleworth and Flapoon concoct a story of lies after an accident on the journey about encountering the real Ickabog with King Fred saving the day, and it spreads through Cornucopia faster than Bert can eat a Hopes-of-Heaven pastry. Taxes and defense brigades are put in place to help protect from the supposed Ickabog, even though Spittleworth knows he made it all up, and the only thing the defense brigade taxes were helping was the flow of money into his pockets. Daisy and Bert are determined to thwart Spittleworth after learning some shocking information, and they are ready to do whatever it takes to restore peace to the kingdom. But Spittleworth is dangerous, threatening to kill and imprison their families if they don't stay quiet. It's a battle of the wits to determine who will come out on top. This book was AMAZING! I love a good fairytale, and this book did not disappoint! J.K. Rowling worked her magic again into this page-turner that will keep your imagination running. The suspense, adventure, plot-twists and complex characters really made this book enjoyable, and I loved every minute of it. I was transported into a magical world with endless possibilities as I read this book! The colorful illustrations made by kids throughout the book were the cherry on top! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in need of a great fairytale, and I would recommend it for ages 8+.
    Over 3 years ago
  • callie_b
    callie_b added a book review.
    The story of the Ickabog shows just how quickly a little lie can turn into a never-ending deception. In Cornucopia, each part of the kingdom is known for having a specialty food that they are the best at making, like cheeses or pastries. Best friends Daisy and Bert have heard the rumors and legend of the Ickabog, a massive monster that eats people, but they always knew they were just stories... or were they? When a shepherd from the Marshlands, a far out and rural part of the kingdom, says the Ickabog ate his dog, ruler King Fred the Fearless doesn't believe him at first. Fred thinks going to investigate the Ickabog would be the perfect opportunity to prove that he could be a good king with no risk after people had begun to call him selfish, vain, and cruel, since the Ickabog was only a myth... right? His advisors Spittleworth and Flapoon concoct a story of lies after an accident on the journey about encountering the real Ickabog with King Fred saving the day, and it spreads through Cornucopia faster than Bert can eat a Hopes-of-Heaven pastry. Taxes and defense brigades are put in place to help protect from the supposed Ickabog, even though Spittleworth knows he made it all up, and the only thing the defense brigade taxes were helping was the flow of money into his pockets. Daisy and Bert are determined to thwart Spittleworth after learning some shocking information, and they are ready to do whatever it takes to restore peace to the kingdom. But Spittleworth is dangerous, threatening to kill and imprison their families if they don't stay quiet. It's a battle of the wits to determine who will come out on top. This book was AMAZING! I love a good fairytale, and this book did not disappoint! J.K. Rowling worked her magic again into this page-turner that will keep your imagination running. The suspense, adventure, plot-twists and complex characters really made this book enjoyable, and I loved every minute of it. I was transported into a magical world with endless possibilities as I read this book! The colorful illustrations made by kids throughout the book were the cherry on top! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in need of a great fairytale, and I would recommend it for ages 8+.
    Over 3 years ago
  • callie_b
    callie_b has read this book.
    By J K Rowling
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24 replied to a comment in
    1) okay this may sound wierd but the apples with barbeque sauce from mcdonalds. lol I don't really go anymore but really good, food combo. 2) fav. holiday is probably......... My BDay whooho hehe 3)I love reading and watching Netflx 4)julie and the phantoms on netflix really good 5)I love pandas !!!!!
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24 added a book review.
    Love Love Love this book !!! Its soo good.
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24liked a comment in Keeper of the Lost Cities.
    Sophie Foster isn't an ordinary 12 year old. Maybe it's because she's a senior in highschool and can read minds. But it all changes when she meets Fitz, a very cute boy. Her shows her a world where she belongs and her life changes like a snap. She has new guardians, new life, new rules to learn, and she has secrets hidden in her brain. I love this series SO much!
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24liked a comment in Keeper of the Lost Cities.
    Sophie Foster is different. She's can read minds since she fell when she was five. She always felt alone. And the fact she's a twelve-year-old senior prodigy doesn't help. So when she meets Fitz, who can also read minds, her life is a about to change. She's an elf. If you're thinking about those with bells on their shoes and thighs, you're very much wrong. Elves build everything out of crystal, have indefinite lifespans, and all have a special ability. They're also stunningly beautiful. Sophie has to move to the Lost Cities. She makes friends and ennemies. But when she discovers she has memories of Eternalia, the elven capital, when she was living with humans, she realizes something is wrong... I love this book. Kotlc is my favourite series. Sophie is brave, kind, smart... For me, Sophie is a model in my life.
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24 has read this book.
    By Shannon Messenger
    Over 3 years ago
  • amelialover24
    amelialover24liked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    here are some questions for ya! 1.fav food combo? (two foods u like to eat together if u dont have won then say ur fav food) 2.fav holiday? 3. wuts ur hobby? (somthin u like to do) 4.fav season? 5.finally, wuts ur fav animal? let me know by replying to me! ty!
    Over 3 years ago

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