Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings (Where the Sidewalk Ends)

Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings (Where the Sidewalk Ends)

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If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer,
A wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er,
A magic bean buyer …

Come in … for where the sidewalk ends, Shel Silverstein’s world begins. You’ll meet a boy who turns into a TV set, and a girl who eats a whale. The Unicorn and the Bloath live there, and so does Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout who will not take the garbage out. It is a place where you wash your shadow and plant diamond gardens, a place where shoes fly, sisters are auctioned off, and crocodiles go to the dentist.

Shel Silverstein’s masterful collection of poems and drawings is at once outrageously funny and profound.

Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780060572341
ISBN-10: 0060572345
Published on 2/18/2014
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 192

Book Reviews (41)

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I'm am a proud owner of this book! =) Shel Silverstein is my favorite poet. I love reading this book over and over again till i can't read no more! Boring poetry? think again.

I loved this book, It has so many funny jokes and poetry . It was so much fun reading this book and I will tell you one or two jokes or poetry: jumpping rope This stared out as a jumpping rope you prob'ly think that I am a dope but this stared out as a jumpping rope and now I fear there is no hope but this stared out as a jumpping rope. The acrobats I'll swing by my ankles she'll cling to your knees as you hang by your nose from a high-up trapeze but just one thing please as we float through the breezes don't sneeze.

This is the first book I read from Silverstien and i think it is great!!!! Me and my best friend read it together and i went through this book farley quick.

Love this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like how the poems are funny. It's nice when you want to read one short poem.

This book helps when ever you want to read a poem and I really love his drawings and his words he was an amazing poet or author I love his books.

This was my first book I read by this author my favorite poem is babysitter.the babysitter thought that you where supposed to sit on the baby

loved it if you want a crazier book than read runny babit they switch the first letters of every word

Shel Silverstein is the best poet ever! The poems are so funny!

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