bluedragon1's Activity (393)

  • stellar_wolf
    stellar_wolf added a new comment in
    Omg, last time they also had a giveaway for the first book. I was so sad and disappointed I didn’t get it. My sister always wants these books, but she doesn’t have an account. My mom told me I had to get the books she wanted. Anyway I was so angry, because my sister asked me for two books. Middle school notes, and alien superstar. As I mentioned before, I think, my sister is obsessed with the kind of things like monsters, aliens, sci-fi. Ya know? Ya so she likes writing books and I like drawing. So we worked together and we made a comic!!!!! That was unnecessary comment. (I do stuff like that sometimes) Anyway I really like math and science. (Not so much grammar or language arts......sorry LA teachers.....) So I tried to get the first book and I couldn’t. I really LOVEEEEEEEE Reading!!!!!!!!!! I cried so much that I didn’t get this book so my mom got it. I loved it and I have to have this. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE (mostly me!!!!!!!!) BAIIIIIIIIII!! (Omg I so need this book!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Over 2 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    What kind of dogs do you have? Puppy’s are so cute!🐶
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    Same story with me for school! I homeschooled last year and am going into 8th grade real school this year. My school doesn’t start till September 1st, but I have to admit, I’m quite nervous about it 😂 For roller skates, skirt around the edge of the skating rink until you feel comfortable. Once you get used to it, it’s actually pretty easy. It looks a lot scarier than it is. I own rollerblades and love them! Are they one with two rows of wheels or just one? Anyway, good luck with roller skating and school!😊
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    1. The Thor series (and anything else that has Loki in it) and the Guardians Of the Galaxies series 2. Loki and Natasha 3. Black Widow!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    1. Pancakes or French Toast! 2. Idk 3. Yes! Its so fun 4. I wish I could have a blue streak, but parents don’t agree 😅 5. Night time, the night sky is so pretty!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    Agreed! You tend to have to stay up pretty late to see astronomical events. But luckily meteor showers are visible as soon as its dark! So hopefully you’ll be able to see them without having to stay up till something crazy like 3 am!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    Marvel is awesome! What is everyone’s favorite marvel characters? Mines Loki and Natasha.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    Dragons, but Snow leopard is a close second. They’re are so pretty!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • bluedragon1
    bluedragon1 replied to a comment in
    1: Wolves, 2: I don’t really have a favorite song, but my favorite artists are The Score, Imagine Dragons, One Republic, ect 3. Husky’s or the Wolf dogs (that are mostly wolf, but have some dog in them) 4. They’re really majestic and misunderstood creature. They’re so pretty and I love what they stand for. Also what we have connected them to (Night, Moon, Stars, ect) is the things I love!
    Almost 3 years ago

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