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  • lilah121
    lilah121 added a movie review.
    this movie is awesome
    Almost 10 years ago
  • lilah121
    lilah121 replied to a comment in
    wow that is a really long review
    Almost 10 years ago
  • lilah121
    lilah121 has watched this movie.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • lilah121
    lilah121liked a comment in Divergent.
    *SPOILERS* (I didn't know whether to review the book or the movie, so I just reviewed both.) So let's start with the characters. Well, Uriah was going to be introduced in Insurgent, and Al killed himself five minutes after he was introduced. Ugh. Edward wasn't in the movie, and of course, there wasn't a butter knife stabbing. Those were my only problems with the characters. I really loved Ansel as Caleb, and Shailene was just perfection. Remember when Tris was about to shoot Peter in the arm near the end of the book? Well Peter was like, "You're not going to shoot me," and then Tris says "Why does everybody keep saying that?" That bit was hilarious. I couldn't really imagine Tris and Peter as enemies because I kept imagining them as Sutter and Amie. And I was shipping Caleb and Tris because they played Hazel and Gus in TFIOS. That's kind of weird that I'm shipping them, but, oh well. I didn't imagine Eric as this thirty-something year old guy with huge arms. He was great though. Zoe Kravitz was amazing as Christina. She captured Christina's feisty character, it felt that she was saying exactly what came to her mind. I had an extreme crush on Theo because he played Four so well, that I was just - ohmygod yes. In the beginning, there was inevitably a short monologue, but I was fine with it. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie, even though I would know what would happen next. The pacing was perfect, and the transitions from each fear in the fear landscape was perfect. I cried about three times during the movie. I think you know which scenes those were (Will, Tris' parents dying). When they were eating in the cafeteria for the first time, Tris asks Four if he's a transfer or not. Four says,"So you think you can just talk to me? Why do you think you can just talk to me?" And then Tris goes, "Well you're so approachable." Oh, and when Christina is like your name is Four, like the number 4? Four says the first thing that you have to learn here is to keep your mouth shut. I just loved how Christina spoke her mind. When Tris takes off her sweater when she's getting ready to jump off the building, Peter's like, "YEAH! TAKE IT OFF! Put it back on." Those lines were just hilarious. The fighting scenes were actually really hard to watch, especially when Molly was fighting. Christina hanging off the chasm didn't really make me worry for her, because she just hung off the chasm for, like, ten seconds or so. It didn't provoke much emotion. Four's introduction was just perfect, and it wasn't as cheesy as it was in the trailer. The green screen and the technology was absolutely amazing. When they entered Four's fear landscape together, I felt that those scenes were really powerful. When Marcus was about to whip Four, it was just awesome how Four punched him. The transitions, again, were perfect. The cinematography was breathtaking. The pacing was also very very good. When I imagined the scoreboard during the initiation, I imagined Four writing names on a chalkboard. I'm pretty sure that it was like that in the book, because instead of the chalkboard, there was an electronic scoreboard that looked all high-techy (if that's even a word). The factions were presented very accurately, and when Tris went to visit Caleb at the Erudite headquarters, the building looked distinctly modern. And compared to the Dauntless compound, which had concrete walls, the Erudite headquarters was all modern and everything had glass. The soundtrack was really good. I feel like Ellie Goulding is on every dystopian movie soundtrack, but I think her voice is best for Divergent. When Four and Tris kiss for the first time, Ellie's voice was just heavenly (right in the feels). Capture the flag was really amazing. I liked how Christina and Tris held the flag together, and how Four and Tris were climbing up the ferris wheel to get a better view of the city. That moment was really cute because Four helped Tris when she was about to fall off. I felt that it was very short though. Tris didn't dangle from the ferris wheel, and Four had to turn on the ferris wheel, and Tris almost got ran over. They didn't include that scene. I love their little banter when they were climbing up. Four was like "ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?" Oh, and their guns didn't have paint pellets, they had these darts that inflicted the pain of a real gunshot for about ten seconds. After that sequence, they had the zip-lining scene and it was so well done. Tris looked so free and I felt really happy for her. It was like I was with her, and I started tearing up because it was a beautiful scene. I was extremely emotional when Tris was about to kill Will. It was very powerful, because Tris was shouting his name and Will was getting closer. Those death scenes were just like BAM, BAM, BAM! First, Natalie dies, then Will, then Tris' dad. I felt like I got the most emotional when Natalie died because Tris was crying. When Will and Tris' dad died, I was just bawling silently in the theater. Tris and Four's developing relationship was very believable and just perfect. When they finally kissed, I was like achievement acquired! The scene where they started interrogating Jeanine, and they tried to shut down the simulation was gripping. Tris threw a knife at Jeanine's hand, which didn't happen in the book, but it NEEDED to happen. I was happy that they included that bit. I was a little disappointed that Visiting Day didn't occur, but I understand why they didn't include it. I really wished that the movie was longer, but don't we all do? I'm kind of sad that Neil Burger isn't going to be returning to direct Insurgent because he felt like he couldn't do the sequel in the amount of time that he was given. This was actually a really long review, but whatever. Overall, I would give this a 97% out of a 100%. Catching Fire was better by 2%, but both of them were really close. I absolutely loved Divergent. I seriously can't wait for Insurgent, which comes out March 20, 2014. 363 more days until Insurgent, yaaaayyy. Until next time, ifeelbookish
    Almost 10 years ago
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    Almost 10 years ago

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