Kids News - Articles for Grade 9+

Happy Summer from DOGOnews! Our team is taking a short break. We'll be back soon with more exciting news!

Three Missions Set To Launch To The Red Planet In July

The solar system is about to get busy! In the next few weeks, a slew of spacecraft will embark on a one-way journey to Mars, to seek evidence of past life and to further investigate its unusual atmosphere. The back-to-back missions are timed to take advantage of the short window of opportunity — caused by celestial mechanics — that will allow them to reach the Red Planet in the most efficient and cost-effective manner....

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Three Missions Set To Launch To The Red Planet In July

Gorgeous Rare White Grizzly Bear Sighted In Canada

With less than 55,000 grizzly bears left in the wild across North America, the sighting of even one is a cause for celebration. Hence you can only imagine how delighted Cara Clarkson and her family were when they spotted two young grizzlies — one with rarely seen all-white fur— foraging alongside the Trans-Canada Highway near Banff, Canada, on April 26, 2020....

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Gorgeous Rare White Grizzly Bear Sighted In Canada

Random Acts of Kindness Bring Joy During Coronavirus Outbreak

With schools and businesses closed and many cities and towns under mandatory shelter-in-place orders, the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has drastically changed lives globally within a matter of weeks. To bring joy, optimism, and strength during this difficult period, people and organizations worldwide are performing random acts of kindness for total strangers. Here are a few heartwarming deeds that will bring a smile to your face during these unprecedented times....

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Random Acts of Kindness Bring Joy During Coronavirus Outbreak

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