coolpuppy2468's Activity (2)

  • coolpuppy2468
    coolpuppy2468 added a new comment in
    Why do people have to be separated by their skin color?! It is just a color, plus that persons heart and soul could be the best on the earth! Their outside appearance does not even let them have a chance to show the world what they got? But the rest of us can? I think that is so unfair and I feel remorse for George's family, especially his growing child who was so young and had to experience this! I thought discrimination was not a thing now and people knew better than that. I guess not. I am so sad!!!
    Almost 4 years ago
  • coolpuppy2468
    coolpuppy2468 added a new comment in
    It is so great that no one got hurt and that the mission was successful. I think these people were taking a great risk. I am grateful that this type of research is safe in this day and age. I hope everyone is keeping safe! :)
    Almost 4 years ago

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