I'm definitely glad for these girls. It seems like their projects were amazing, and they probably did deserve to win. But I don't get why we have to bring so much attention to the fact that they're girls. What's the point? I mean they should be recognized by their achievements, not their gender. Personally, I don't think science is a boy thing (it's actually my favorite subject, though it really wouldn't make a difference if I did think it was a boy thing), but jobs involving STEM happen to be male-dominated. I really don't get why we encourage girls to do "boy" things, but we don't encourage boys to do "girl". We urge girls to go into STEM, but we don't urge boys to become teachers or nurses. It's not fair to the guys. In fact, girls who do "boy" things are applauded, but boys who do "girl" things are frowned upon. Just look at bronies. Of course, there's nothing wrong with encouraging girls to get into STEM, but it's not fair if we don't encourage boys to become teachers or nurses. Again, these girls were amazing, and I think the things they did were great. But what I don't think is great is the fact that their gender is the main focus of this article. Especially since this kind of applause wouldn't be given to boys who were doing a "girl" thing.