Frozen (2013)
Experience "Frozen", the epic animated hit from Walt Disney Animation Studios, like never before in an all-new, full-length "Sing-Along Edition!" Join Anna as she sets off on an epic journey, teaming up with mountain man Kristoff and a snowman named Olaf, to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter. Relive the magic and majesty of this sparkling masterpiece as you sing along to all your favorite "Frozen" songs. It's pure enchantment - and full of fun for the entire family.
Release Date: November 29, 2013
19 Movie Reviews
- 瑄almost 5 yearsvery romantic
- Cupcakesyoutubealmost 5 yearsI love this movie soo much and I love singing along
- I want to watch frozen 2 coz I...I.....AM GOING TO WATCH IT WITH MY FAVE PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!MY AUNTIE!!!!
- this looks really good.................
- bluemoonlightalmost 7 yearsIts a great movie! talks about how they solved problems and helped eachother.
- kamrynalmost 8 yearsmy cuz likes this movie so much even she has every toy in the movie
- angelalmost 8 yearscool
- No name please almost 8 yearsMy little sister wants a lot of frozen stuff af
- cupcake5about 8 yearsI LIKE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH