The Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego MovieThe Lego Movie
The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie (2014)

An ordinary Lego mini-figure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil Lego tyrant from conquering the universe.

Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller

Cast: Chris Pratt, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, and Will Ferrell

Release Date: February 1, 2014

1076 Movie Reviews
  • jeff1
    jeff1about 10 years55 popcorn
    i like so much
    • lilsquirtle
      lilsquirtleabout 10 years
      • klo
        kloabout 10 years55 popcorn
        I liked this movie because its funny for all ages
        • m101
          m101about 10 years33 popcorn
          I want to watch The Lego Movie because I like lots and lots of Legos I have millions in my room!
          • classofcool
            classofcoolabout 10 years55 popcorn
            I liked it because it was an adventure
            • classofcool
              classofcoolabout 10 years55 popcorn
              best movie ever 5 popcorn
              • jrtrapperabout 10 years
                my sibalings like the move
                • silverguy
                  silverguyabout 10 years55 popcorn
                  best movie ever
                  • veemon
                    veemonabout 10 years55 popcorn
                    I love this movie
                    • sydbravesgirl17
                      sydbravesgirl17about 10 years44 popcornFeatured
                      I enjoyed this movie a lot. Great characters, graphics, and plot. I liked Cloud Cuckoo Land and all the Master Builders. It used several LEGO themes, including Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel Heroes, and Lord of the Rings. Fun message, too. However, nothing is completely perfect. Some jokes are aimed at an older audience and might be harder for younger kids to understand. There are also some bad messages, for example, the so-called 'Master Builders' laughing at poor 'Special' Emmet for his silly but creative ideas. They think what they do is better than what he does. Not a good example for younger kids, because that is really just bullying. Also, I frowned several times at the moments when Emmet and someone else (who was in a relationship with Batman) tried to hold hands. Not a good example. Emmet does 'get the girl' by the end of the movie, but there is almost no lovey-dovey stuff for those of you who don't enjoy that. Fantastic movie overall.